Curriculum and Staff
The Early Years Foundation Stage At Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre we offer a wide variety of activities that encourage children to use their imagination, solve problems, investigate and work cooperatively with their peers.
The Early Years Foundation Stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage is a curriculum designed to support the needs of children through play in order to give them the best possible start in life. Play underpins the delivery of the curriculum and is divided into two main areas, Prime areas and Specific areas. The prime areas consist of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. The Specific areas consist of Literacy, Mathematical Development, Understanding the World and Expressive Art and Design. At Mapledene we provide a diverse curriculum.
Our children have the opportunity to play inside and outside throughout the day. Free flow play is encouraged in all rooms as this allows our children to extend their own learning on a grander scale. Meeting the needs of children at Mapledene lies at the heart of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our staff deliver personalised learning development and care to help children fulfil their potential
To achieve this, staff at Mapledene work closely with parents and carers as they have a key role to play. We consider a close partnership between parents and carers to be of paramount importance in child development and progress. We include parents/carers at all stages as they know their children best
On joining the centre, our staff will take time to talk to parents/carers and gather as much information as possible regarding their child’s interests, likes and dislikes as well as identifying any learning needs
Key Workers
When a child joins us at Mapledene a key worker is assigned to each child within their room base. A key worker is a member of staff who has the responsibility of communicating and liaising with the parent/carer and ensuring that all the assessments regarding the child’s development are monitored and recorded. All staff within the room are responsible for the children’s education and welfare under the guidance of their Room Leader
The primary aim of the key worker system is to promote close relationships between the practitioner and his/her children in order to meet their emotional needs. Parents/carers have equal opportunity and access to their child’s key worker and will meet their key worker on their first ‘settling in’ day prior to their child’s starting date
A key worker will help your child to become familiar with Mapledene and to feel confident and safe within it. They will also talk to parents/carers to make sure that the needs of the child are being met appropriately and that records of development and progress are shared with parents/carers and other professionals during Parent/Teacher Consultations, which take place termly basis
At Mapledene we take a great interest in the development that children make while at our centre as well as at home.
Magic Moments at Home Slips encourage parents/carers to record any significant achievements that take place at home. These slips will ensure that special moments in your child’s life while outside of nursery is recognised and incorporated in your child’s learning.
Please hand your completed slips to a member of staff in your child’s room
Integrated 27 Month Health & Early Years Review
At Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre we now include an early years review for children who have joined us aged between 27 and 30 months
27 Month Health Review – Part of the universal offer in the Healthy Child Programme and available in GP’s surgeries, Children’s Centres and also in Registered Early Year settings in partnership with Early Year Practitioners. In Hackney this review is carried out around 27 months and no later than 30 months
Purpose : – The two year review aims to optimise child development and emotional well-being and reduce equalities in outcome. This includes the early detection of and actions to address the developmental delay or abnormalities, ill health and growth impairments. The prevention of obesity and the promotion and health-enhancing behaviours for every child such as eating a well balanced diet, playing actively and having an appropriate weight and height for their age. General health is also a primary aim of the 27 month health review
Integrated 27 month Health & Early Years Review – A meeting which takes place when the child is around 27 months. This meeting usually includes the child, their parents, the keyworker and the link health professional. This meeting will include the 27 month health review. Now in Hackney we are using the ages and stages – questionnaire 3 as an assessment toolkit
Purpose : – To Provide a holistic review of the child’s development and progress at a point in time (around 27 months) in order to identify how the child is developing and what interventions need to be made and or to involve other professionals
At Mapledene, Miza Myers is nominated as our Health Child Lead Practitioner who will facilitate parents access to the 27 month review meeting and strengthen the link with our health professionals