Day-Care Admissions Policy

At  Mapledene Children’s Centre, we aim to provide equal access to high quality early education in a vibrant and welcoming environment. In order to prepare the children for adulthood, we aim to encourage a fair and representative community, free of all prejudices where our children mix, as much as possible.

To do this, we:

  • Fully comply with a ‘first come, first served’ policy
  • Operate an open Admissions Register which is regularly updated and refreshed
  • Endeavour to engage in ongoing dialogue with prospective parents

We comply with the Hackney Education policy for admissions into Children’s Centres, which is detailed in the following pages.

Download the Daycare Admissions Policy_July 2016 here.

Download the here New Childrens Centre Nursery Application.doc working doc August2022 (1)