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Extended Services

Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre also provides a wide variety of extended services to help support children and families in the local community. Our ‘Stay and Play’ sessions are held daily, catering for children aged 0 to 8 years of age. Other services, some of…

Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre also provides a wide variety of extended services to help support children and families in the local community. Our ‘Stay and Play’ sessions are held daily, catering for children aged 0 to 8 years of age. Other services, some of which are listed below some are term time only, through referral or by appointment.  The services we provide include the following : –

  • Stay and Play with various themes (messy play, little cooks, bouncy castle, sensory play, music and movement, under 18 months)
  • Various Adult Learning courses (as advertised)
  • Early Years Support
  • Early Birds Programme
  • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
  • Citizens Advice
  • Job Search
  • Planned Outside Trips
  • First Steps
  • Clothes swap
  • Volunteering programme
  • Family support
  • Information, Advice & Guidance drop-in
  • Book Start Corner
  • Free home safety equipment
  • Parenting Workshops
  • Toy Library
  • Book Library

We have a stay and play guide that gives all our stay and play service users an overview of our sessions and our expectations

Stay and Play Guide for Mapledene

Please see below are programme for April to July 2024

April – July Programme

The Extended Services Programme of Activities are changed on a termly basis.  We also have special programmes for school closures for example half-term, Easter and Summer when we hold additional activities for children up to the age of eight years of age, such as, jewellery making, fun exercise, music and movement, puppet Story Telling and various trips.

Please see our Summer Programme for 0-8 year olds

Summer programme 2024