Extended Services
Mapledene & Queensbridge Children’s Centre also provides a wide variety of extended services to help support children and families in the local community. Our ‘Stay and Play’ sessions are held daily, catering for children aged 0 to 8 years of age. Other services, some of which are listed below some are term time only, through referral or by appointment. The services we provide include the following : –
- Stay and Play with various themes (messy play, little cooks, bouncy castle, sensory play, music and movement, under 18 months)
- Various Adult Learning courses (as advertised)
- Early Years Support
- Early Birds Programme
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- Citizens Advice
- Planned Outside Trips
- First Steps
- Clothes swap
- Volunteering programme
- Family support
- Information, Advice & Guidance drop-in
- Book Start Corner
- Parenting Workshops
- Toy Library
- Book Library
We have a stay and play guide that gives all our stay and play service users an overview of our sessions and our expectations
Stay and Play Guide for Mapledene
Please see below are programme for January to April 2025
Jan – Apr 2025 Programme
The Extended Services Programme of Activities are changed on a termly basis. We also have special programmes for school closures for example half-term, Easter and Summer when we hold additional activities for children up to the age of eight years of age, such as, jewellery making, fun exercise, music and movement, puppet Story Telling and various trips.
Hackney Children and Family Hubs
Children and Family Hubs in Hackney provide information, help and support to families. Our aspiration is for every child to have:
- the best start in life
- grow up in a child friendly borough
- receive the support they need when they need it
Our Children and Family Hubs Partnership will enable us to work with families so that they are able to nurture their babies and children, increase their resilience and independence, and improve educational outcomes.
Children and Family Hubs are a ‘one stop shop’. They offer guidance and advice on a range of circumstances. This includes family support, infant feeding, mental health support, health services, debt guidance, support into employment, housing support, early years education and stay and play provision.
Support is available from conception up until age 19, or 25 for young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
Start for Life offer
Our Start for Life booklet (PDF) brings all of the information about our Start for Life services in one place, so you can easily access the support you need to help give your children the best possible start in life.